Better Academy | Język angielski dla dzieci

Basics of coding (age 7-10)

Zajęcia podstawy programowania

Course description

In anticipation of the new and emerging trends affecting the labor market, Better Academy has developed a program to introduce children to the fundamentals of coding using interactive games, deconstructing codes, and programming robots. Classes equip children with tools to navigate the world of new technologies and encourage them not to be afraid to explore it by themselves.

What do we teach in this course?

In anticipation of the new and emerging trends affecting the labor market, Better Academy has developed a program to introduce children to the fundamentals of coding using interactive games, deconstructing codes, and programming robots. Classes equip children with tools to navigate the world of new technologies and encourage them not to be afraid to explore it by themselves.

How do we teach?

Classes are based on the coding of Ozobot robots and building instructions through blocks.  Students can see how the program works in practice by programming Ozobot robots and by deconstructing the code as a form of reverse engineering.

How the classes are held?

The course lasts one year and consists of 18 lessons in the first semester and 16 lessons in the second semester.  Classes are held once a week and last for 60 minutes. Children work in small groups of up to 8 people.  They are equipped with tablets and work cards, and are assigned tasks aimed at developing both creativity and basic programming skills.

At the end of the programming course, each child receives a gift and a diploma.

Who is this course for?

Introduction to programming classes is intended for children aged 7-8 . 

What language are the classes held in?

Classes are conducted in English. Basic level of English is required.

Approximate dates: 

Upon agreement

This is what our classes look like:

General Information:

  • Age

    7-10 years old

  • Language

    English or/and Polish

  • Price

    Individual classes
    200 PLN/h

ul. Bukowińska 21/25,
02-703 Warszawa

503 302 245