Logo is a graphic way to express an identity and a character of a company. Our mission is teaching children and teens communication in English, increasing their independence and natural predispositions to individual development.
We use an identification which is close to the offer of British schools, because we think that it is worth patterning schools on the British system of education. That is also why the graphic illustration of our brand is a modern shield that combines tradition with requirements of the future. We stand up on better academy!
We want children to be prepared for living in the future, which should be seen as a time when our kids will be adults. We remember that they will have jobs that do not exist yet, which is why we put great emphasis on skills. We try to equip students with: an ability of abstract and logical thinking, self-awareness, planning, communication, teamwork, and many others. Acquiring these skills guarantees successes in many jobs; it is a base without which it is hard to imagine teaching anthing
The second important aspect of the education that we believe in is the fluent use of English. We teach it in communication, in reference to specific events and actions. English, as Latin in the past, is becoming a transnational language spoken by all the people in the world. That is why it is useful to aim to use it consciously and as effortlessly as possible.